IC4685 - IC1274-5


The view in this image covers multiple emission and reflection nebulae as well as many intricate dark structures. 

IC4685 - IC1274-5 is a bright emission, reflection and dark nebula region located in a dense star field in the Sagittarius constellation. Since it is next to the brighter Lagoon nebula it is rarely imaged on its own, more commonly it is photographed as a part of the Lagoon nebula. 

On the upper right corner the NGC 6544 globular cluster shines brightly. 

INSTRUMENT                   Takahashi FSQ-106ED

CAMERA                               Canon EOS 60Da

MOUNT                                Skywatcher HEQ-5 pro

GUIDING                              Lacerta MGen Autoguider

EXPOSURE TIME             4.2 h

LOCATION                           Namibia

DATE                                     2018.05.